DONES Preparatory Phase (DONES-PreP)

The European Project “DONES Preparatory Phase (DONES-PreP)” -started in September 2019 – is focused in the implementation phase of the initial steps for the construction of the civil engineering infrastructure of the IFMIF-DONES facility. This project seeks intense international activity to benefit from the final results of the Broader Approach agreement, as well as establish the broadest international collaboration in the design and construction of IFMIF-DONES.

DONES-PreP objectives and work packages

The objective of the preparatory phase of IFMIF-DONES is to prepare the agreement that will allow the construction of the IFMIF-DONES facility, included in the ESFRI 2018 Roadmap, in the province of Granada.

During the preparatory phase, critical financial, legal and organizational issues related to the international character of IFMIF-DONES facilities will be addressed during their construction and operation phases. In addition to this, the project also aims to attract partners, not only during the construction phase, but also during the operation and exploitation phase of the facility.

Although most of the technical design activities are carried out within the framework of other ongoing projects (IFMIF-EVEDA and WPENS), several technical activities have also been included in DONES-PreP. The objective of these activities is to explore in detail the possible use of the IFMIF-DONES facility by other scientific communities, to explore possible designs and strategic alternatives that could be of interest in the future, and to consolidate a network of support facilities that could be of interest.

DONES-PreP, led by the CIEMAT National Fusion Laboratory, has funding of 4 million euros from the Euratom Research and Training Program 2014-2018.

Work Packages

  1. DONES-PreP Project Management – Coordinating Entity: CIEMAT (Spain)
  2. Communication – Coordinating Entity: UGR (Spain)
  3. Evaluation of DONES Governance – Coordinating Entity: RBI (Croatia)
  4. Evaluation of DONES Legal Framework – Coordinating Entity: CIEMAT (Spain)
  5. DONES Financial Approach – Coordinating Entity: CIEMAT (Spain)
  6. Preparation of the Structural Funds Applications – Coordinating Entity: UGR (Spain)
  7. Health, Safety and Environmental Studies – Coordinating Entity: CIEMAT (Spain)
  8. Other Complementary Experiments and Upgradeability – Entidad coordinadora: IFJ PAN (Poland)
  9. Support Facilities and Exploitation of Results – Coordinating Entity: RBI (Croatia)
  10. Consortium Agreement Preparation – Coordinating Entity: CIEMAT (Spain)

Entities involved



Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico e IndustrialSpain
École Polytechnique Fédérale de LausanneSwitzerland
Fusion for EnergyEU
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Secretaría General de Coordinación de Política CientíficaSpain
National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and TechnologyJapan
Nuclear Physics European Collaboration CommitteeEU
Sociedad Española de Técnicas NeutrónicasSpain
Junta de AndalucíaSpain

This content has been prepared within the framework of the DONES Preparatory Phase project, project no. 870186, funded by the Euratom Research and Training Program 2014-2018. The contents of this publication exclusively reflect the views of the author, and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information in this document.