Hydrogenic and impurity retention studies on liquid lithium and tungsten as materials for a nuclear fusion reactor by glow discharge and laser techniques

by de Castro Calles, Alfonso
Hydrogenic and impurity retention studies on liquid lithium and tungsten as materials for a nuclear fusion reactor by glow discharge and laser techniques (de Castro Calles, Alfonso), PhD thesis, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {de Castro Calles, Alfonso},
	date-added = {2023-11-30 07:02:28 +0100},
	date-modified = {2023-11-30 07:02:28 +0100},
	school = {Universidad Complutense de Madrid},
	title = {Hydrogenic and impurity retention studies on liquid lithium and tungsten as materials for a nuclear fusion reactor by glow discharge and laser techniques},
	url = {https://info.fusion.ciemat.es/PhDThesis/deCastro.pdf},
	year = {2018},
	bdsk-url-1 = {https://info.fusion.ciemat.es/PhDThesis/deCastro.pdf}}

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